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Division of Electromagnetic Radiations (ESO)


The tasks of the Division are:

Electromagnetic Field (EMF) radiation exposure measurement in the environment and workplaces, authorized certification of radiohygiene in the whole range of non-ionizing radiations from static (DC) electric and magnetic fields up to microwaves, including ELF and RF.

Accredited measurement methods: The Division

The Division engages in extensive research work on the biological and health effects of non-ionizing radiations (NIR), to work out means and methods of protection against potential harmful effects. A research with such a broad spectrum is unique in a given discipline within the country and it is rather rare even by international standards. This explains the far-reaching contacts of the Division with other research institutes, both domestic and international, and also with international organizations such as ICNIRP, URSI, COSPAR, COST, etc. Dr. G. Thuroczy (Head of Dept.) is member of several international boards (WHO, CENELEC, IEC, EU, EBEA).

On-going research activities:


Publications by members of the Division are listed by name in the chapter ’Publikációk’ on the main page, in Hungarian.

               Name               Total number of publicationsTotal number of peer-reviewed journal articlesTotal number of independent citations Cumulative impact factor
Gábor Jánossy161042,533
Zsuzsanna Németh6 - - -
Zsuzsanna Zeitler, Forgácsné3 - - -
Péter Juhász1 - - -

Gábor Jánossy (as of 1 Sept. 2009):

Number of publications (1st author in) 13 (6)
Number of papers in peer-reviewed periodicals in Hungarian6
in English4
Number of books and guidances written/also edited -
Number of bookchapters written (in Hungarian) 3 (1)
Cumulative impact factor 2,533
Number of independent citations (in books) -
Number of papers presented at scientific conferences (English) 4 (2)
Number of lectures read at training courses (at home+abroad) 40

Revision: 07-11-2014

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