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  1. Kubinyi Gy., Zeitler Zs., Thuróczy Gy., Juhász P., Bakos J., Sinay H., László J.
    (2010). Effects of homogeneous and inhomogeneous static magnetic fields combined with gamma radiation on DNA and DNA repair,
    Bioelectromagnetics, Volume 31, Issue 6, pages 488–494. (2010)
  2. Forgács Zs., Kubinyi Gy., Sinay G-né, Bakos J., Hudák A., Surján A., Révész Cs., Thuróczy Gy.
    1800 MHz-es GSM-szerű sugárzás hatása hím egerek gonád működésére és hematológiai paramétereire.
    Magyar Onkológia 49.évfolyam, 2.szám, 149-452. (2005)
  3. Zs. Forgács, Z. Somosy, Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, J. Bakos, Gy. Thuróczy, A. Surján, A. Hudák, F. Olajos, P. Lázár
    Effects of Whole-Body 50-Hz Magnetic Field Exposure on Mouse Leydig Cells.
    TheScientificWorldJOURNAL 4(S2), 83-90, 2004.
  4. Bakos J., Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, Gy. Thuróczy
    GSM modulated radiofrequency radiation does not affect 6-sulphatoxymelatonin excretion of rats.
    Bioelectromagnetics, 24:531-534, 2003.
  5. Thuróczy Gy., Kubinyi Gy., Sinay H., Bakos J., Sipos K., Lénárt Á., Bodó M., Szabó L. D.
    Human electrophysiological studies on influence of RF exposure emitted by GSM cellular phones.
    In: Electricity and magnetism in biology and medicine (ed. Bersani F.) New York: Plenum Publ. Corp., 1999. pp. 721-724.
  6. Thuróczy Gy., Kubinyi Gy., Sinay H., Bakos J., Sipos K., Lénárt Á., Bodó M., Szabó L. D.
    Human studies on potencial influence of RF exposure emitted by GSM cellular phones on cerebral circulation and electroencephalogram (EEG).
    in: D. Simunic (ed): Delineation of differences in the mode of energy coupling and mechanisms of interaction at ELF and RF dosimetry, COST 244 Transactions, Brussels DG XII, pp:38-43, 1997.
  7. Kubinyi Gy., Thuróczy Gy., Bakos J., Sinay H., Szabó L. D.
    Effect of Continuous wave and Amplitude Modulated 2.45 GHz Microwave Radiation on the Liver and Brain Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases of in utero Exposed mice.
    Bioelectromagnetics, Vol.17., pp: 497-503, 1996.
  8. Barabas K., J. Bakos, L. D. Szabo, H. Sinay, G. Gaspardy, M. Bely, Z. Balogh, G. Balint
    "In vitro" effect of neodimium phosphate glass laser irradiationon the rheumatoid synovial membrane.
    Lasers in surgery and medicine, 8(2): 176., 1988.
  9. Bakos J., Szabó D. L., Barabás K., Sinay G-né.
    A Nd:foszfátüveg lézer biológiai hatása emberi térdizület synoviális membránjára in vitro.
    Kisérletes Orvostudomány 39: 356-360., 1987.
  10. Barabas K., J. Bakos, L. D. Szabo, H. Sinay, G. Gaspardy, M. Bely, Z. Balogh, G. Balint
    "In vitro" effect of neodimium phosphate glass laser irradiationon the rheumatoid synovial membrane.
    Hungarian Rheumatology Supplementum 58-62., 1987.

Publikált absztraktok:

  1. Gy. Kubinyi, Zs. Salamon, J. Bakos, Gy. Thuróczy, H. Sinay
    Evaluation of DNA Damage by Alkaline COMET Assay after in vitro Exposure to ELF Magnetic Field and Ionising Radiation.
    33rd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology, August 25-28, 2004, Budapest, Hungary
  2. Gy. Kubinyi, Z. Salamon, J. Bakos, G. Thuróczy, H. Sinay
    3th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields, Október 4-8, 2004, Kos, Görögország.
  3. Németh Zs., Kubinyi Gy., Bakos J., Sinay H., Thuróczy Gy.
    ELF mágneses terek genotoxikus hatásának vizsgálata Comet assay módszerrel.
    Magyar Tudomány Ünnepe 2004, 2004. november15.
  4. Bakos J., Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, Gy. Thuróczy
    Exposure to 50 Hz magnetic field does not affect isoproterenol induced pineal melatonin synthesis in perifusion system at 100 and 500 µT flux densities in vitro.
    Sixth EBEA Congress, Budapest, Hungary, November 13-15, 2003.
  5. Forgács Zs., Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, J. Bakos, C. Révész, A. Hudák, A. Surján, Gy. Thuróczy
    1800 MHz GSM-like microwave exposure elevates the serum testosterone level and red blood cell count of male mice.
    Sixth EBEA Congress, Budapest, Hungary, November 13-15, 2003.
  6. Forgács Zs., Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, J. Bakos, Gy. Thuróczy, C. Révész, A. Surján, P. Lázár, Z. Marcsek
    Effects of in vivo 50 Hz magnetic field exposure on steroidogenesis of mouse leydig cells.
    Fifth EBEA Congress, Helsinki, Finland, September 6-8, 2001.
  7. Kubinyi Gy., J. Bakos, H. Sinay, Gy. Thuróczy
    Biological effects of exposure to RF at 900 and 1800 MHz frequency GSM-like modulated waveforms.
    Fifth EBEA Congress, Helsinki, Finland, September 6-8, 2001.
  8. Kubinyi Gy., Gy. Thuróczy, J. Bakos, H. Sinay, L. D. Szabó
    Effects of RF exposure of mobile radiotelephones on the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
    ESRB '98, Capri, Italy, October 3-7, 1998.
  9. Kubinyi Gy., Gy. Thuróczy, J. Bakos, H. Sinay, L. D. Szabó
    Effects of GSM type modulated RF exposure on the aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases.
    Fourth EBEA Congress, Zagreb, Croatia, November 21-22, 1998.
  10. Thuróczy Gy., Gy. Kubinyi, H. Sinay, J. Bakos, K. Sipos, Á. Lénárt, L. D. Szabó
    Human studies on influence of RF exposure emitted by GSM cellular phones on cerebral circulation and electroencephalogram(EEG).
    Second World Congress for Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Bologna, Italy, June 8-13, 1997.

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