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Division of Optical and Laser Radiation (OLSO)


The tasks of Division are:

The Division of Optical and Laser Radiation carries out radiation safety measurements and certification of optical sources in the 250-950 nm wavelength range in Hungary.

The Division

Accredited measurement methods:

Research topics:


Publications by members of the Division are listed by name in the chapter ’Publikációk’ on the main page, in Hungarian.

               Name                Total number of publications Total number of peer-reviewed journal articles Total number of independent citations Cumulative impact factor
József Bakos 121 39 142 24,365
Noémi Nagy 27 8 42 11,233
Zsuzsanna Vecsei 8 1 - -

József Bakos (as of 1 June 2013):

Number of publications (1st author in) 121 (53)
Number of papers in peer-reviewed periodicals in Hungarian 17
in English 22
Number of books and guidances written/also edited 2 (2)
Number of bookchapters written (in Hungarian) 9 (1)
Cumulative impact factor 24,365
Number of independent citations (in books) 142
Number of papers presented at scientific conferences (English) 72 (58)
Number of lectures read at training courses (at home+abroad) 60

Nagy Noémi (as of 01 June 2013):

Number of publications (1st author in) 27
Number of papers in peer-reviewed periodicals in Hungarian -
in English 8
Number of books and guidances written/also edited -
Number of bookchapters written (in Hungarian) 3 (1)
Cumulative impact factor 11,233
Number of independent citations (in books) 42
Number of papers presented at scientific conferences (English) 16 (16)
Number of lectures read at training courses (at home+abroad) 4

Zs. Vecsei (as of 01 June 2013):

Number of publications (1st author in) 8 (6)
Number of papers in peer-reviewed periodicals in Hungarian -
in English 1
Number of books and guidances written/also edited -
Number of bookchapters written (in Hungarian)
Cumulative impact factor -
Number of independent citations (in books) -
Number of papers presented at scientific conferences (English) 7(6)
Number of lectures read at training courses (at home+abroad) -

Revision: 02-19-2014

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